“A People Glorifying God by CONNECTING to
His Church
Our Community
and the World
We serve a great and merciful God who bridged the great gulf that separated us from him. He is also breaking down walls that alienate us from one another.
As the bridges of Charleston link the various islands and peninsulas of our beautiful low country making us one community in our geography – we have been called to build spiritual and personal bridges of understanding and relationship with each other within our church and with others throughout our region and indeed the world.
We are EastBRIDGE. We exist to build connectedness and heal brokenness. As we do so, our Triune God becomes better known and honored. HIS bridge building passions were supremely demonstrated in sending his Son, our Savior, to cross the great divide between us and him created by our sin.
Therefore, in reliance upon his Holy Spirit, may our God, who unites us to himself, and to one another, be glorified by establishing these sturdy, durable connections we call, “Gospel bridges”, to each other. Our increasingly lonely, relationally desolate and dysfunctional world desperately needs to know and worship our blessed God. He pours his love and grace THROUGH us because he has gotten it TO us. So, come and join the community of bridge builders, and do your part in rolling back the estrangement that Christ is banishing and will one day completely banish from the earth.